Memberships & Coaching

Join the Remuera Bowling Club and be part of the fun.

Membership options


Full Playing Member

Entitled to all playing rights and privileges of the Club.

Annual Subscription $350

Limited Playing Member

Entitled to play bowls at the Club only but not Club Championships, Centre or National events, or any event at another bowling club.

Annual Subscription $300

Student Member

Student Members must be 19 years or under on the 1st of July and be enrolled in a course of education at a school or tertiary institution. Student Members have the same playing rights as Playing Members.

Annual Subscription $30

Annual Subscription $100

Non-Playing Member

Non-Playing Members are people who do not play bowls but wish to participate in the
social and pavilion activities of the Club.

New Members - new to the game

Remuera Bowling Club has a special ‘New Player’ subscription for new members who are new to the game

Annual Subscription $100


Annual subscriptions for all classes of members are payable by 1st September and cover the following twelve months. Members who join during the year will pay a pro rata subscription.


Call 027 294 1234 or join online. We’ll arrange to meet you at the Club and show you around.


Looking for a location for your next event?

We offer a variety of spaces, facilities and stunning views.